W.A.S.P.-kitaristi vierailee Turun pääkirjastossa 24. huhtikuuta
Kitarataiteilija Douglas Blair vierailee Turun musiikkikirjastossa tiistaina 24. huhtikuuta 2018. Turkulaistunut yhdysvaltalaiskitaristi esittelee englanninkieliesessä tapahtumassa kitaroita ja musiikinteon metodeja. Blair vastaa mieluusti yleisön kysymyksiin.
Expose de Blair – Custom Guitar Meeting alkaa klo 18. Vapaa pääsy.
Turun pääkirjasto
Vanha kirjastotalo, toinen kerros
Linnankatu 2
20100 Turku
Puh. 02 2620 658
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Douglas Blair’s Custom Guirar Meeting ’Expose de Blair’ will take place in Turku City Music Library on April 24.
Douglas Blair is the long-time lead guitarist for US-based rock quartet W.A.S.P., relocating to Turku from Boston in 2014. Working with Rock Academy Finland and Ikata School of Guitar Building, he has continued a lifelong exploration and development of applied guitar design. Drawing from decades of self-modification and experience working at and with Ovation Instruments, Parker Guitars and DePergo Custom Guitars, the ESP Guitars endorser/artist has veered in rather radical directions, namely double-neck and double-string concepts.
Douglas’s presentation will begin with discussing the basic concept of personalizing the tools of your trade — namely guitars. He will go through his various stage and studio instruments, highlighting and discussing the ‘hows and whys’ they have to come to become reality, usually from a simple drawing or idea. He will emphasize the importance of these ideas — and ideals — to the progress of his career. Questions and discussion will be welcome at any time, and he will also demonstrate the instruments and their particular traits. Focus will be on a wider scope of perspective, and players and builders alike will find these viewpoints remarkable and unique, in a field known for its traditional path.
Event is in English/Tapahtuma on englanninkielinen